Nutrisystem Review: Does It Work For Weight Loss? | Healthline

Are you looking to lose weight? Nutrisystem is one of the most popular diets on the market today. But does it really work? We'll take an in-depth look at Nutrisystem and see if it's the best diet for your health goals.

Nutrisystem is a meal delivery service that provides prepackaged and portion-controlled meals designed to help people lose weight. It promises to provide quick and easy weight loss without having to count calories or prepare meals yourself. But how effective is it?

In this review, we'll look at the science behind Nutrisystem and see if there are any potential benefits or drawbacks that you should be aware of before starting this program. We'll also look at user reviews and discuss who may benefit from using Nutrisystem. So keep reading to find out more about this popular diet program!


Nutrisystem is a weight loss program that focuses on portion control and meal delivery. It is designed to help people lose weight without having to count calories or prepare their own meals. The program provides pre-packaged, ready-to-eat meals delivered directly to your door, as well as snacks and desserts that are low in fat, calories, and sugar. It also offers counseling services and access to an online community of like-minded dieters who can provide support and accountability. Nutrisystem claims that its users lose an average of 1–2 pounds per week when following the program. In this article, we'll provide an overview of how Nutrisystem works, its benefits and drawbacks, as well as what you can expect from it if you choose to try it.

The first step in getting started with Nutrisystem is selecting a plan tailored to your individual needs. There are four different plans available: Basic, Core, Uniquely Yours, and Vegetarian. Each plan has different levels of customization so you can choose the one that fits your lifestyle the best. All plans include personalized menus featuring pre-packaged food shipped directly to your door as well as unlimited access to online tools such as meal planning resources and nutrition tracking apps.

The second step is following the program’s recommended diet plan which includes eating five meals a day plus snacks and desserts. All meals are pre-portioned according to nutritional guidelines set by certified health professionals so you don't have to worry about counting calories or portion sizes. Additionally, customers have access to counselors who can provide advice on healthy eating habits and exercise routines for those looking for additional guidance on their weight loss journey.

Benefits & Drawbacks

When considering the use of Nutrisystem for weight loss, there are both benefits and drawbacks to consider. Firstly, the major benefit that this program offers is convenience. All of the meals are pre-portioned and packaged for consumption, making it easy to stay on track with a healthy diet. Additionally, the meals are designed to be low in fat, calories, and sodium while also being high in fiber and protein. This helps to ensure that following a structured meal plan will help lead to healthier weight loss results.

Another benefit of using Nutrisystem is that it eliminates the need for counting calories or weighing food portions. All of the meals have already been pre-packaged so there is no need to measure out your food or worry about portion sizes. This makes it easier to stick with your diet and maintain your desired weight loss goals.

However, one potential drawback of using Nutrisystem is its cost. The company does offer several subscription plans which can be expensive depending on the length of time you plan on using their services. Also, if you are someone who likes variety in their diet then this may not be the best option since most of the meals tend to taste similar after a while.

In summary, Nutrisystem can be a great option for those looking for convenient and effective weight loss results. However, it's important to consider both the benefits and drawbacks before making a decision about whether this type of program is right for you.

Meal Plans & Costs

Meal plans offered by Nutrisystem are designed to provide a balanced, low-calorie diet that helps users lose weight. The plans come with a wide variety of food choices, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Depending on the plan chosen, users can save up to 50% off their meal costs.

The cost of Nutrisystem meals varies from plan to plan. Basic plans start at $9.96 per day and range up to $11.96 per day for the most advanced plans. For those who opt for an auto-delivery service, there is an additional discount of 10% off the regular price of meals. Additionally, there are often specials available on meal prices which can help reduce the overall cost even further.

Nutrisystem also offers discounts for first-time members and occasional promotional codes that can be used to save money on orders. With careful budgeting and taking advantage of any discounts available, it is possible to achieve significant savings when using the Nutrisystem program for weight loss goals.

Food Quality & Variety

When it comes to food quality and variety, Nutrisystem offers a wide selection of meals. It provides meal plans for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and desserts. Each meal plan is designed to provide balanced nutrition with the correct amount of calories and nutrients to meet your health goals. There are over 150 different menu items that include protein-rich foods such as lean meats and fish as well as carbohydrates like whole grains and fruits. The meals also include plenty of vegetables for added vitamins and minerals. Additionally, many of the meals can be customized according to individual preferences.

Nutrisystem also provides meal delivery services so that customers do not need to worry about grocery shopping or preparing meals at home. Meals are delivered frozen or shelf-stable depending on the plan chosen. Customers have the option to choose from various pre-packaged menus or customize their own menu with the help of a dietitian or other health professional. Many customers report that they are satisfied with the convenience and quality of the meals they receive through Nutrisystem's meal delivery service.

Overall, Nutrisystem offers a variety of healthy food options with balanced nutrition that will help you achieve your weight loss goals. With its convenient meal delivery service, it makes it easier to stick to a healthy diet while still enjoying delicious food choices. With just a few clicks, you can start your journey toward achieving your fitness goals without having to worry about grocery shopping or cooking meals at home!

Sample Menu Options

Sample menu options on the Nutrisystem diet plan vary depending on the specific program. All plans include ready-to-go meals that are designed to provide balanced nutrition and promote weight loss. Some of the most popular options include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

Breakfast options may include oatmeal with dried fruit, scrambled eggs with veggies, or a cinnamon streusel muffin. Lunch options may include roasted turkey medallions and gravy over mashed potatoes, white bean chili with cornbread, or a garden vegetable soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. Dinner options could include Ravioli Formaggio, Margherita Pizza, and Garden Vegetable Stew. Snack choices may include pretzel sticks with peanut butter dip, a chocolate chip cookie dough bar, or fudge brownies.

All of the meal choices are based on portion control and provide complete nutrition for each day of your weight loss program. In addition to these entrees, there are also frozen meal choices available. These can be used as a substitute for any of the above meals if desired.

How The Program Works

Nutrisystem is a weight loss program that works by providing users with pre-packaged meals and snacks. The program provides portion control, meal planning, and nutrition guidance to make it easier for users to lose weight. It also offers online support and counseling services to help users stick with the program.

The program includes three meals a day plus snacks and desserts. All of the food is delivered right to your door, so you don't have to worry about grocery shopping or preparing meals. Each meal features a variety of foods from the Nutrisystem menu, which are designed to provide you with all the essential nutrients you need for healthy weight loss.

Users can also customize their plan by choosing from different menus and adding additional snacks or other items from their favorite stores. Additionally, they can take advantage of personalized one-on-one counseling sessions with certified nutritionists or health coaches who can help them stay motivated and answer any questions about their diet or lifestyle changes. With Nutrisystem, users can achieve their goals of losing weight in a safe and effective way.

Eating Out While On Nutrisystem

Eating out while on Nutrisystem can be a tricky business. It's important to plan ahead and know what type of cuisine you'll be eating before you order. If you do decide to eat out while on the program, make sure that your meal is low in fat, high in protein and fiber, and contains no added sugar or salt. You should also avoid foods that are deep fried, processed, or contain large amounts of sodium.

When ordering at restaurants, look for lean proteins such as grilled chicken or fish. Salads with lean proteins and vegetables are also good choices. Be careful with dressings since they can be high in fat and calories; opt for vinaigrette-based dressings instead of creamy options like Caesar or ranch dressing. Also, steer clear of any dishes that are breaded or fried as these can be loaded with calories and unhealthy fats.

It's possible to stick to Nutrisystem even when dining out. With mindful planning and smart choices, you can enjoy meals out without compromising your progress on the program. Just remember to stay away from fatty, sugary, salty items, and opt for fresh ingredients whenever possible!

Weight Loss Claims

Moving on, Nutrisystem has made a number of weight loss claims about its diet plans. They claim that their meals are low in calories and contain balanced portions of healthy proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The company also states that its meal plans can help you lose up to 13 pounds and 7 inches overall in the first month alone. Additionally, they argue that their meals can reduce cravings for unhealthy food while providing essential nutrients.

The company also advertises that its meal plans are backed by science-based research. They say that meal plans provide a weight loss solution tailored to individual needs and preferences. This includes an emphasis on portion control and balanced nutrition. Furthermore, they offer flexibility in terms of choosing foods and meals, as well as the ability to customize menus based on dietary preferences or restrictions.

In order to determine if Nutrisystem is effective for weight loss, it's important to look at the evidence behind these claims. There have been several studies conducted which show that following a Nutrisystem diet plan can result in significant reductions in body weight over time compared to similar diets without the same focus on portion control or balance nutrition. Additionally, people who follow this diet have reported feeling more satisfied with their overall eating habits compared to those who didn't use this type of approach when trying to lose weight. All of these factors suggest that Nutrisystem could be an effective tool for achieving weight loss goals.

Success Stories

Success stories from Nutrisystem users abound. Many have reported losing up to 20 pounds in a month, while others have seen even greater success. Those who are able to stick with the program for its full length often find that their weight loss is more dramatic than expected.

One customer, a 56-year-old woman, lost over 80 pounds on the program. She said she found it easy to follow and liked the fact that she could eat meals that tasted good. She also enjoyed having access to an online community of other Nutrisystem dieters who shared their tips and successes.

For those seeking help with their weight loss journey, Nutrisystem provides an effective and convenient way to reach their goals. With meal plans tailored to individual needs, regular exercise advice, and support from fellow dieters, many people have experienced long-term success with the program.

Support And Accountability

Support and accountability are both important components of any successful weight loss program. Nutrisystem offers an extensive support system to help you stay motivated and on track with your diet and exercise goals. Through their website, they provide access to dietitians, nutrition experts, counselors, and other professionals who can help you develop a personalized plan. They also offer online support communities where you can connect with other members as well as receive advice from health professionals.

Nutrisystem also provides plenty of accountability to ensure that you’re sticking to your diet plan. They have tracking tools that allow you to keep track of your progress and see how close you are to reach your goal weight. And if you ever need additional motivation, their counselors are available 24/7 for guidance or just a friendly chat.

Overall, Nutrisystem is a comprehensive weight loss program that offers the necessary tools and resources for achieving long-term success. With the right combination of exercise, nutrition, motivation, and support, it’s possible to reach your desired weight loss goals with this program.

Pros And Cons Of Nutrisystem

Moving on from support and accountability, let's now look at the pros and cons of Nutrisystem. Though it can be an effective weight loss tool, there are a few drawbacks to consider.

One major plus is that Nutrisystem offers pre-packaged meals with balanced nutrition that make it easy to follow a healthy diet plan. All the meals are portion-controlled, so you won't overeat or eat unhealthy foods. Furthermore, many of their entrees contain lean proteins which help to keep you feeling full while helping you lose weight.

On the other hand, one potential downside of Nutrisystem is that their meals may lack variety and taste. Many of the meals are frozen, so they may not be as appetizing as fresh food options. Additionally, because all the meals are pre-packaged, there is no room for creativity when it comes to menu choices.

Nutrisystem can be a great way to jumpstart your weight loss journey if you have trouble sticking to a healthy diet on your own. However, it's important to weigh the pros and cons before committing to this particular program.

Expert Opinion On Nutrisystem

Experts generally agree that Nutrisystem is an effective way to lose weight. It follows a structured meal plan and portion control, which can help people stick to their goals. Additionally, the program includes access to counselors who can provide support and guidance with regard to nutrition and lifestyle changes.

Nutrisystem also offers a wide variety of foods, so dieters have plenty of options to choose from. The meals are pre-portioned and calorie-controlled, making it easier for dieters to keep track of their caloric intake without having to worry about portion sizes or calorie counting.

Overall, experts believe that Nutrisystem is an effective weight loss program for those looking for an easy way to follow a healthy eating plan and stay on track with their weight loss goals.

Alternatives To Nutrisystem

Moving on, there are several alternatives to Nutrisystem that can also help with weight loss. Out of the most popular meal delivery services, Weight Watchers is one of the best options. It offers a variety of meal plans that focus on making sustainable changes to your lifestyle, rather than just helping you lose weight quickly. They also offer in-person support from their trained coaches and an online community for additional support. Another option is Jenny Craig, which focuses on smaller portion sizes and personalized meal plans. They also have counselors available for extra support if needed. Lastly, there's South Beach Diet which offers pre-packaged meals and snacks that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates to help promote weight loss.

Each program has its own unique benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to do your research before choosing one. Consider factors such as cost, convenience, and food preferences when deciding which plan would be best for you. In addition, take into account any specific goals or health issues you may have so you can find the plan that fits your needs the best. Ultimately, finding an alternative to Nutrisystem can be a great way to jumpstart your weight loss journey.

Health Risks Of Being Overweight/Obese

The health risks associated with being overweight or obese are numerous. Excess weight can cause cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and even some types of cancer. Additionally, it can lead to an increased risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and breathing problems such as sleep apnea.

Being overweight or obese can also have psychological effects. Studies have shown that people who are overweight or obese often experience lower self-esteem and depression. There is also a higher risk of developing anxiety disorders and eating disorders in those who are overweight or obese.

Overall, the risks associated with being overweight or obese are significant and should not be taken lightly. It's important for individuals to take steps to maintain a healthy weight by following a balanced diet and exercising regularly in order to avoid these health risks associated with excess weight.

Final Verdict

Having discussed the health risks associated with being overweight or obese, it's time to take a closer look at Nutrisystem and evaluate its effectiveness as a weight loss program. After all, if you're looking to slim down and shed some pounds, you want to know that the system you choose works. So let's examine the evidence.

Clinical trials have shown that following the Nutrisystem diet plan significantly increases weight loss when compared to those who did not follow the diet plan. For example, one study showed that participants lost an average of 11.6 pounds over 12 weeks on Nutrisystem compared to only 4.2 pounds in the control group. Additionally, other studies have found that long-term use of Nutrisystem is associated with greater weight loss than other commercial diets after 6 months and 1 year of follow-up.

Overall, these results suggest that following the Nutrisystem diet plan can help you achieve significant weight loss in a short period of time and maintain it over time. The meal plans are convenient and easy to follow, which makes sticking to your diet easier than ever before. With its proven success rate and convenience factors, Nutrisystem is an excellent choice for anyone looking to lose weight quickly and safely without sacrificing taste or satisfaction.


In conclusion, Nutrisystem is a great option for those looking to lose weight. It has a range of meal plans and costs that make it accessible for most people, and the food quality and variety is good. The expert opinion on Nutrisystem backs up its effectiveness for weight loss. Plus, there are other options available if it doesn't work out for you. However, it's important to remember that being overweight or obese comes with health risks, so making sure to consult with your doctor before starting any diet plan is essential. All in all, Nutrisystem is worth considering if you're looking to slim down and improve your health.
